Saturday, May 11, 2013

I think I can I think I can.......

So it seems like I've lost my followers here but I am going to continue blogging about this because it's good for me.  This blog keeps me honest and on track most of the time.  After I last blogged I buckled down and started watching the food intake and I really increased my walking.  I took a mini job walking a dog 3 times a week for a friend of mine who had just adopted a dog.  In addition to that I've been meeting up with friends 1-3 times a week to walk.  There are days when I don't want to, days when I'd rather sit and eat cupcakes but I do it.  The dog walking is a commitment I HAVE to keep because it's a job and walking with friends is therapuetic.  I weighed in on April 1st and was 301.  Monday will be 6 weeks from when I started.  This morning I weighed 292. I really hope to hit 291 Monday so I can hit the 10 pound mark but we shall see.  Weekends are tough and tomorrow is Mother's Day :)  Even if I stay where I am today I am happy with 9 pounds in six weeks.  Slow and steady, right? 

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